Digital technologies are instrumental in improving the openness, transparency, and accountability of institutions and the participation and engagement of citizens in societal activities. They offer governments the possibility to streamline and transform their communication processes and relationships with citizens, businesses, and other non-government actors through multiple digital channels. This more engaging governance model brings together the government and other stakeholders for discussion and policy-making decisions from the early stages of policy formulation until the monitoring of its implementation. It also provides open and linked data across all sectors of the economy, thus enhancing transparency, accountability, and springing entrepreneurship. This Track seeks innovative contributions in the form of new approaches, case studies or more theoretical and visionary papers that cross the boundaries of traditional bureaucracy and show the potential of e-Participation, e-Voting, collaborative and participatory online politics, and the future of digital democracy. This Track also invites papers on the application of crowdsourcing in the public sector to collect policy‑relevant information, knowledge, opinions, proposals, and ideas from citizens and public value co-creation with citizens and businesses. The role, adoption and use of social media to promote and transform civic participation and engagement is also a topic of interest of this Track.
#1 - A comprehensive review of open data platforms, prevalent technologies, and functionalities | Mohsan Ali, Charalampos Alexopoulos, Yannis Charalabidis (University of the Aegean, Greece)
#2 - Barriers to openly sharing government data: towards an open data-adapted innovation resistance theory | Anastasija Nikiforova (University of Tartu, Estonia); Anneke Zuiderwijk (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
#3 - Agreement and disagreement in American social media discussions (evidence from Facebook discussions on the second impeachment of D. Trump) | Daniil Valentinovich Volkovskii (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia); Olga Filatova (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia)
#4 - Introducing the DigiPart-Index: mapping and explaining digital political participation on the subnational level in Switzerland | Uwe Serdült (Ritsumeikan University, Japan); Gabriel Hofmann (University of Zurich, Switzerland); Costa Vayenas (Pro Civis Think Tank, Japan)
#5 - The coordination between governmental resources and citizen engagement with open government data: a coupling coordinated model | Ying Zhang, Marijn Janssen (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)