Digital transformation has become an essential part of the strategic agendas in both the public and private sectors. This Track focuses on new and reusable ways to use digital technologies in revolutionising how digital public services are provided and produced through the transformation of administration’s organisational, semantic, and technological aspects. This may include process re‑engineering, the application of “once-only” principles to data and systems, establishing paperless and "beyond bureaucracy" practices, government as a platform and innovative service delivery ecosystems, automation of internal operations of governmental organisations, improvement of productivity, skills and competencies of the public servants or improving access to government information and public services by citizens and businesses. This Track also invites papers that analyse digital transformation and innovation initiatives at government agencies of different levels and domains, their drivers and motivations, the processes and strategies they adopted, the barriers and challenges they faced, their critical success factors, and their impact on various aspects of performance. Prospective papers discussing, exploring, putting forward, and anticipating main trends in public services delivery and governments operation are also welcome in this Track.
#1 - Citizen's use of government social media, satisfaction with government and trust in government: the mediating effect of perceived government performance and psychological distance | Runxi Zeng, Wuyue Zhang (Chongqing University, China)[withdrawn]
#2 - How can digital technology empower regional cooperation in science, technology and innovation? - A new institutional framework | Zhenjie Yang, Fat Iam Lam (Macau Polytechnic University, China); Yunxin Li (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China)[withdrawn]#3 - Distributing the capacity to solve: digital public goods for iterative adaptation in governance and service delivery | Ameya A Naik, Gautham Ravichander (eGovernments Foundation, India)
#4 - Integrating OSLO semantics in word processors | Dwight Van Lancker, Niels Van Durme, Eveline Vlassenroot, Raf Buyle, Peter Mechant, Pieter Colpaert, Erik Mannens (Ghent University, Belgium)
#5 - The EU's digital identity policy: tracing policy punctuations | Linda Weigl, Alexandre Amard, Gilbert Fridgen (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg); Cristiano Codagnone (State University of Milan, Italy)