Track 10 – Public and Private Sector Governing Digital Economies

Track Chair '24
Renata Thiébaut
Gisma University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Track Chair '24
Nixon Ochara
University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

▢ About

ICEGOV 2024 welcomes the participation of representatives from industry and the public sector to present recent trends and developments, innovative products or services, practical experiences, or research and development efforts related to the conference theme. Moreover, in this edition, the track speaks to new economic models and industry developments and their implications for governance. New digital economies are presenting new opportunities for socio-economic development and growth, but are also creating new issues for policy and regulation – such as new forms of competition and inequality. This Track welcomes policy and practice papers designed to enable outreach and impact, stemming from case studies, research projects, or other significant digital governance attempts by the public or private sector, written to include non-academic audiences. Submitted papers should be structured to facilitate policy-making and industry consideration, enclosing relevant findings and recommendations for the theory and practice in digital governance. Papers should provide enough background for the readers to understand the problem and convince them about the importance of the topic. At least one of the authors of a paper submitted to this Track must be from the respective fields: industry or public sector.