Sven Hutse
Social Services Sector, Belgium
Sven Hutse is a Senior Consultant with broad experience in IT strategy, change and organizational programs in social security.
He was born in 1971 and during his university years started his first company AST to teach in all kind of related internet Technologies and became a tutor at the renowned John Cordier Academy working closely together with University of Leuven. From 2000- 2013 he worked mainly as freelance consultant in diverse functions as Enterprise Architect, Technical Team-lead for companies as Alcatel, Belgacom, BNP Paribas. He became head of development at the National Employment Organization in Belgium in 2013. Since 2016 he is working as freelance advisor in the Social Services Sector in Belgium. He was appointed by the Belgian Government to be one of the speakers at the ICT Conference on Digitalization of the Social Security organized by the International Social Security Association in Baku Azerbaijan 22 October 2014. He was member of the international workshop on ITSM organized by the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland 15 May 2015. He is author, and co-responsible of the review, of the ISSA ICT Guidelines published in 2019. He was a member of the following international missions for the ILO and the World Bank. 2019 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, ILO: Mission to conduct an investigation to assess the current ICT processes of Ethiopia’s Private Organization Employees’ Social Security Agency (POESSA) and conduct assessment report on current information management system and administrative processes at POESSA. 2019 Karachi, Pakistan, ILO: Mission to conduct an investigation to assess the current ICT processes and infrastructure of SESSI, Sindh Employees' Social Security Institution. 2020 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ILO: Mission to conduct an investigation to assess the current ICT infrastructure and processes of the Public Servants Social Security Agency (PSSSA) in order to obtain interoperability between POESSA and PSSSA. 2019 -2020 Valletta, Malta, World Bank: Mission to work on the Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) Agreement. He is responsible for the assessment of the mechanisms of operational reporting and data analytics in order to make recommendations on framework, mechanisms, and formats/templates of various operational and policy reports. 2020 Cairo, Egypt, World Bank: Technical assistance mission on the request of the Ministry of Social Solidarity to invest the NOSI institutional Reform ICT upgrade strategy.