Conference Proceedings
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings on the condition that at least one author attends the conference and presents the paper. The proceedings are expected to be published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) as part of the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS), in digital format only, under the following reference: Amaral, Luís; Soares, Delfina; Zheng, Lei (eds.). Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2022). New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022. ISBN: 978-1-4503-9635-6.
As in previous years, it is expected that the published papers are indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, and DBLP – Computer Science Bibliography, among others. Currently, the conference acceptance rate is 40%.
Special Issue of Government Information Quarterly
After the conference, a number of papers will be carefully selected by the Programme Committee Chairs for publication in Government Information Quarterly by Elsevier, with a CiteScore of 11.6 and an Impact Factor of 7.279. GIQ is an international journal that examines the intersection of policy, information technology, government, and the public. In particular, GIQ focuses on how policies affect government information flows and the availability of government information; the use of technology to create and provide innovative government services; the impact of information technology on the relationship between the governed and those governing; and the increasing significance of information policies and information technology in relation to democratic practices.
Authors who accept this invitation will be required to greatly expand and improve their papers before publication. As the leading journal in the field, GIQ seeks to publish high quality scholarly research, viewpoint articles and editorials that inform both researchers and practitioners regarding the relationship between policy, information technology, government, and the public.
Best Paper Awards
The goal of the ICEGOV Best Paper Awards is to acknowledge excellent research performed by the authors whose papers have been accepted and presented at the conference. The award consists of a certificate (printed or digital), together with a symbolic gift, usually a cultural object from the conference’s host country. The certificate and the gift are delivered to the first author of the winning paper by the Awards Committee Chair during the conference’s closing ceremony. Three categories are awarded at ICEGOV:
- Best Research Paper
- Best Ongoing Research Paper
- Best Short Paper
More information regarding the eligibility criteria and selection process, download the ICEGOV Best Paper Awards Policy.