Track 6 – New perspectives of digital governance measurement, assessment, and monitoring

Track Chair '24
Adegboyega Ojo
Carleton University, Canada
Track Chair '24
Glenda Kruss
HSRC-CeSTII, South Africa

▢ About

The existence and application of assessment instruments increase the likelihood of success of digital governance and digital transformation initiatives at local, regional, national, and international levels. Also, it crosses various domains such as healthcare, education, justice, security, environmental planning, and more. Within this context, this track delves into examining frameworks, methodologies, and tools designed for gauging, evaluating, and overseeing multiple facets of digital governance and transformational progress. These facets encompass a broad spectrum, including but not limited to service delivery, the interoperability of legal-organizational semantic technologies, data quality, maturity in digital skills, citizen engagement, preparedness of infrastructure, the impact of digital governance on citizens and societies, the adoption of online services, digital inclusivity, the accessibility of government data, the execution of digital governance strategies, and subsequent action plans. Furthermore, this track extends an invitation to submissions that offer reflections, enhancements on, or transformation of the prevailing assessment methodologies currently employed by nations or international organizations, focusing on the effectiveness of e-government policies over past decades and the Global South perspective in measuring digital governance.