Track 5 – Digital participation, engagement, transparency, and accountability

Track Chair '23
Gabriela Viale Pereira
University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria
Track Chair '23
Leif Sundberg
Umeå University, Sweden

▢ About

Digital technologies are instrumental in improving the openness, transparency, and accountability of institutions and the participation and engagement of citizens in the government decision-making process. They allow governments to streamline and transform their communication processes and relationships with citizens, businesses, and other non-government actors through multiple digital channels. This more engaging digital governance model brings together the government and other stakeholders for discussion and policy-making decisions from the early stages of policy formulation until the monitoring of its implementation. It also provides open and linked data across all sectors of the economy, thus enhancing transparency, accountability, and springing entrepreneurship. This Track seeks innovative contributions in the form of new approaches, case studies or more theoretical and visionary papers that cross the boundaries of traditional bureaucracy and show the potential of e-Participation, e-Voting, collaborative and participatory online initiatives, and the future of digital democracy. This Track also invites papers on the application of crowdsourcing in the public sector to collect policy-relevant information, knowledge, opinions, proposals, and ideas from citizens and public value co-creation with citizens and businesses. The role, adoption and use of social media and digital platforms to promote and transform civic participation and engagement and open government data strategies are also a topic of interest in this Track.